Robert Bell 09/05/1980

This site is dedicated to experiments in audio-visual moving image and constructions in 3D virtual space. It contains notes on surrounding theories and processes.

Saturday, 24 November 2007


Here are a few facts that will guide the project from the outset:
  • All phone numbers are made up of a sequence of numbers taken from a pre-set standard (0-9).
  • This ascension is replicated in sound through volume or pitch. We could say that the louder a sound gets the higher the number (as with volume dials).
  • We can also distinguish between shifts in bass and treble applied, this can have physical impacts as well. As the bass gets heavier the number gets larger.
  • The eye is also sensitive to changes in tone from light to dark in both colours and grayscale.
  • This change is related to numbers (hrs/mins) daily through the rising and the setting of the sun.
  • All colour can be positioned accurately on colour wheels which go through 360 degrees. These wheels can therefore be divided by any given number giving sequences of colours of equal difference.


  • Propose, design and make a 20 second animated ringtone.
  • The graphics can be portrait or landscape.
  • You will need to make the sound yourself from scratch-using no copyright material.
Initial Response:
  • Ideas will be based on concepts of synaesthesia, repetition (loops) and uniqueness.
  • Outcome should be a simple, focussed response with a possibility for further development into wider fields (e.g music production, visuals).
  • I will develop a systematic way of working with material and software.