Robert Bell 09/05/1980

This site is dedicated to experiments in audio-visual moving image and constructions in 3D virtual space. It contains notes on surrounding theories and processes.

Wednesday, 23 April 2008

Sound theory Revision

To start this project off it is back to school for me with some 'science of sound' revision, reminds me of the old GCSE days!

To understand the nature and make up of sound I have found it useful to do some research into the theory behind soundwaves (pitch, frequencies, intensity and Decibel levels).

This led to further research into the phenomenon of interference (constructive and destructive) and its relevance to the composition of music most notably beat patterns.

I will not repeat all of the science on this blog but have linked the sites used and pasted some of the diagrams included that I found useful.

I feel that this initial research will prove the foundation of future investigations and am confident that now I have a much better understanding of what it is I am actually trying to replicate in vision and motion.

Wave theory and sound characteristics:

Musical Intervals and scales:

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