Robert Bell 09/05/1980

This site is dedicated to experiments in audio-visual moving image and constructions in 3D virtual space. It contains notes on surrounding theories and processes.

Thursday, 29 May 2008

Initial 3D Modelling

Although I don't want this to be a normal architectural modelling exercise, I still believe any outcomes should come from an accurate reading of the buildings structure. From the site photographs and drawings/measurements I have drawn the towers front elevation (front being the one facing South Lambeth Rd) in Vectorworks as a 2D line drawing.

This was a useful exercise as it also showed how the being is made from various elements or units that fit into one another to particular ratios. It also highlighted any changes in the buildings elevational rhythm as you progress down the facade.

I have decided to concentrate solely on the front facade and to read it floor by floor from top to bottom.

Attached firstly is a photo of the facade with workings out and notes drawn on. The second image shows the black and white resulting CAD drawing (top eight floors only for now).

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