Robert Bell 09/05/1980

This site is dedicated to experiments in audio-visual moving image and constructions in 3D virtual space. It contains notes on surrounding theories and processes.

Wednesday, 14 May 2008


I want to get inside this building, maybe not literally, but I want to get beneath its surface to unearth its hidden cycles, to read it in as many ways as possible.

On saturday morning I went to do the first of possibly many site surveys. This incorporated general photograhic documentation of the overall building and a second more structured set of photographs recording the ground floor elevation at eye level (two sides of what I will term the square 'block', as against the 'tower').

I suppose this will give me a better understanding not only of construction but also of the materials used and their general state. These have been pieced together to form the first 'strip' of information.

Secondly it has given me a firmer idea of the buildings beat or rhythm. This was reinforced by filming the same stretch at walking pace at eye level again. Not only in its elevational 'frequency' but also in how the structural elements protrude away or towards the facade, its 'amplitude'.

This information will be read in the way that I have discussed the visualisation of sound in earlier blogs. There has to be a way to read the buildings structure and translate to audio, a link that makes sense and 'becomes the buildings voice'.

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